An Inviting Escape
The name Malulani means ‘under a peaceful sky’ in Hawaiian and we think you’ll agree.
The Ranch sits at 1400’ elevation, nestled in the saddle of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa overlooking Hilo Town. It receives around 130” of rain per year and is home to thousands of wild orchids, a conservation forest of Ōhiʻa, and precious Koa trees.
The Garden faces majestic Mauna Kea from a vantage point 450’ above sea level, making it optimal growing conditions for tropical fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Moringa, aloe, basil, soursop, kukui nut, and lavender are just a few medicinal plants you’ll find throughout the premises.
Hilo Town is on on the East side of Hawaiʻi Island and is green and lush, with large parks and a historic district full of unique shops and small eateries with interesting food from some of the many ethnicities that call Hilo home. Hilo is famous for its near-daily rainbows and relaxed, friendly local culture.